No Libertarians On The Ballot...No Reason To Vote!
So the Old North State doesn't "recognize" The Libertarian Party of North Carolina. Well I guess I have no choice but to not "recognize" their rigged elections.
If I can not vote for a Libertarian, I will not vote!
The scumbags like House member Curtis Blackwood are guilty of treason. The openly violate the N.C. Constitution and dare us to do something about it.
Well here is what I am going to do. The only promise I can make is this..
"I, Thomas Hill, do here by swear, to only use violence in a case of self defense."
I want to be very clear, I do not wish any physical harm upon my enemies.
However, beyond that, there are no rules. I will do anything, outside of violence, to expose these tyrants. They have declared war against not only Libertarians, but every other non - demopublican voter in this state!
They are traitors and enemies of Liberty. I despise them and their corrupt government! We no longer live in a republic.
These low lifes have no moral authority to govern me.
I do not have the moral authority to apply the punishment their crimes deserve.
I do not have to use my fists because my idea of Liberty is superior to their lust for political power. They will self destruct soon enough.
I intend to provide plenty of rope that they can use to hang themselves. The damn cheaters!
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