Saturday, December 03, 2005

Don't They Have Bigger Fish To Fry?

"College football is not just an exhilarating sport, but a billion-dollar business that Congress cannot ignore."
Congressman Joe Barton (R)

A House Energy & Commerce subcommittee announced Friday it will conduct a hearing regarding the Bowl Championship Series (BCS). The BCS is the controversial formula used to determine which NCAA Division 1 football teams will play for the national championship.

The congressional regulators have their puny little fingers in everything! I guess I missed the part of the Constitution that gives congress the authority to decide who's #1 in college football.

Why should I worry, congress multi-tasks very well. They are waging a War on Terror (CIA), a War on Drugs (DEA), a War on Poverty (HUD), a War on Hurricane Damage (FEMA), a War on Prosperity (IRS), a War on Nature (FDA), you get the picture.......

Congress and their alphabet agencies have everthing under control.

Does that help you sleep at night?


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