Sunday, October 23, 2005

Momma Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Politicians!

Ahh, politicians make such good role models.

We have Karl Rove and Tom DeLay on the national level. How about Jim Black and Frank Ballance here in N.C.?

Scandal after scandal, it gets hard to keep score. It seems that Democrats and Republicans are in a race to determine which party is the most corrupt! If that is the case, I say they both win, while our nation loses.

Our political process is a sham. A rigged game where power and privilege trumps principles and high ideals. Why would any parent let their child become a page or an intern under the tutelage of these scoundrels? Just what our nation needs, a system to teach our future leaders how to steal, cheat, bribe, get the idea.

Politics is about control. These elite power pimps believe that they are your masters. They are the products of Social Darwinism. They say that all men are created equal but their actions prove otherwise. They believe they are the "Supermen", the mortal gods born to govern over the ignorant masses. They are victims of junk science. They insist on repeating the "sins of their fathers". They are the privileged class, silver spoons and all. Fearless crusaders for justice have fought these self-appointed "kings", on behalf on women, people of color, the poor. Through their manipulation of our economic system, they have created a class of wage slaves. By extending unconstitutionial privileges to corporations, at the expense of the working class, they have instituted a feudal system.

How does it feel to be a serf?

These are just a few examples of the poison of politics. This dark, God forbidden disease has infiltrated every human institution; the church, the temple, the fraternal lodges. Bigotry, envy, lust for power, you name it!

Is this freedom to you? If it is, I pity your weak and feeble mind.

If you are satisfied with the status quo, enjoy your misery!

Remember that when you go to the polls to "elect" your masters. That is exactly what you are doing when you vote for Republicans and Democrats.


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