Thursday, August 25, 2005

Attack Of The Fascist Yard Police

Mildred and Joe Martin placed a sign in their yard to explain to neighbors why their grass had grown long.

[Photo: T. Ortega Gaines]

Is your neighbor's grass to high? Do they park their car on their lawn? How about indoor furniture on the front porch?

Dial 311!

Yea boy, tattle tale to Daddy Caesar.

Is this the America our founders fought and died for? Hell no!

The nice folks in the picture were ratted out to the Man!

Their crime...not cutting their grass.

Here is the reason for not cutting their grass...

[Charlotte Observer]

"The letter -- like hundreds sent by the city every month -- threatened a $50 fine if the Martins didn't mow the yard of their home in Lansdowne off Providence Road in south Charlotte.

Mildred, 70, had just had three blood transfusions and surgery on a broken hand. Joe, 73, was fighting a bad case of shingles. And their lawnmower had been at the repair shop for two weeks."

Those are mighty fine neighbors!

It gets worse! This is the response from the Neighborhood Nark...

[Charlotte Observer]

"If (Mildred Martin) had been a friend, I would have certainly said something," Smith told the Observer. "But I've never been that friendly with them, so I don't think it would have been very well received."

"Besides," she added, "I thought this was what the city was for."

Yeah Neighborhood Nark, that is the reason we have city government... to bully our neighbors.



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