My wife and I attended the opening day of this film and, I am happy to report, it far exceeded my expectations. Not only is this the most powerful anti-state film I have ever seen – one that makes no compromises with the system – but is, purely from a film-making perspective, one of the best movies I have seen in some time. Had the subject matter of this film been anti-vivisectionism, the depletion of the rainforests, or the sorrows of divorcées, its acting, writing, direction, and other production features would have made watching it an enjoyable experience."
Bruce Shaffer
I agree with the review above. I also saw "V for Vendetta" on opening day. The most powerful and uplifting movie I have ever seen. I was brought to tears more than once through out the picture. Statists will be uncomfortable with the violence and anti-authority aspects of the film. They should. I hope Americans would never let our country sink to the level of despair that the British did in the film.
If we don't turn things in the other direction, we will have no choice but to take the drastic measures protrayed in the movie.
Live Free Or Die! (Thanks to New Hampshire for the use of their "state" motto.)