Antifederalist No. 26
"Let me entreat you, my fellows, to consider well what you are about. Read the said constitution, and consider it well before you act. I have done so, and can find that we are to receive but little good, and a great deal of evil. Aristocracy, or government in the hands of a very few nobles, or RICH MEN, is therein concealed in the most artful wrote plan that ever was formed to entrap a free people. The contrivers of it have so completely entrapped you, and laid their plans so sure and secretly, that they have only left you to do one of two things-that is either to receive or refuse it. And in order to bring you into their snare, you may daily read new pieces published in the newspapers, in favor of this new government; and should a writer dare to publish any piece against it, he is immediately abused and vilified.
Look round you and observe well the RICH MEN, who are to be your only rulers, lords and masters in future! Are they not all for it? Yes! Ought not this to put you on your guard? Does not riches beget power, and power, oppression and tyranny?"
The Antifederalists have been proven correct. The U.S. Constitution was the death-knell of Liberty for our nation. It has been used to concentrate the wealth and power of her citizens into the hands of the privileged class. We the people are merely wage slaves, governed by private bankers (Federal Reserve).
Corporate fascists rule the day, and the night. With souls blackened by greed, they control the puppets in Congress, seizing the fruits of our labors, waging illegal wars in our name, controlling the education of our children.
When will the slaves overthrow their neo-con masters? When enough of us have the moral courage to resist, that's when.
It can be done without firing a single shot in revolution. We will be free when enough of us want to be....